- **Fastfetch Setup**: Installs and configures Fastfetch.
- **Linutil Updater**: Updates the Linutil AUR / Crates.io Package.
- **Linutil Installer**: Installs Linutil via Crates.io or AUR.
- **Office Suite Setup**: Installs various office suites and PDF viewers (OnlyOffice, LibreOffice, WPS Office, FreeOffice, Evince, Okular, PDF Studio Viewer, PDF Studio).
## Developer Tools
- **Meld Setup**: Installs Meld, a visual diff and merge tool.
- **Ngrok Setup**: Installs Ngrok, a tool for creating secure tunnels to localhost.
- **Neovim Setup**: Installs and configures Neovim, a Vim-based text editor.
- **VS Code Setup**: Installs Visual Studio Code, a popular text editor.
- **Sublime Setup**: Installs Sublime Text, a nice text editor for code and markup.
- **VS Codium Setup**: Installs VS Codium, an open-source build of VS Code.
- **GitHub Desktop Setup**: Installs GitHub Desktop, a GUI for Git and GitHub.