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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# VHS documentation
# Output:
# Output <path>.gif Create a GIF output at the given <path>
# Output <path>.mp4 Create an MP4 output at the given <path>
# Output <path>.webm Create a WebM output at the given <path>
# Require:
# Require <string> Ensure a program is on the $PATH to proceed
# Settings:
# Set FontSize <number> Set the font size of the terminal
# Set FontFamily <string> Set the font family of the terminal
# Set Height <number> Set the height of the terminal
# Set Width <number> Set the width of the terminal
# Set LetterSpacing <float> Set the font letter spacing (tracking)
# Set LineHeight <float> Set the font line height
# Set LoopOffset <float>% Set the starting frame offset for the GIF loop
# Set Theme <json|string> Set the theme of the terminal
# Set Padding <number> Set the padding of the terminal
# Set Framerate <number> Set the framerate of the recording
# Set PlaybackSpeed <float> Set the playback speed of the recording
# Set MarginFill <file|#000000> Set the file or color the margin will be filled with.
# Set Margin <number> Set the size of the margin. Has no effect if MarginFill isn't set.
# Set BorderRadius <number> Set terminal border radius, in pixels.
# Set WindowBar <string> Set window bar type. (one of: Rings, RingsRight, Colorful, ColorfulRight)
# Set WindowBarSize <number> Set window bar size, in pixels. Default is 40.
# Set TypingSpeed <time> Set the typing speed of the terminal. Default is 50ms.
# Sleep:
# Sleep <time> Sleep for a set amount of <time> in seconds
# Type:
# Type[@<time>] "<characters>" Type <characters> into the terminal with a
# <time> delay between each character
# Keys:
# Escape[@<time>] [number] Press the Escape key
# Backspace[@<time>] [number] Press the Backspace key
# Delete[@<time>] [number] Press the Delete key
# Insert[@<time>] [number] Press the Insert key
# Down[@<time>] [number] Press the Down key
# Enter[@<time>] [number] Press the Enter key
# Space[@<time>] [number] Press the Space key
# Tab[@<time>] [number] Press the Tab key
# Left[@<time>] [number] Press the Left Arrow key
# Right[@<time>] [number] Press the Right Arrow key
# Up[@<time>] [number] Press the Up Arrow key
# Down[@<time>] [number] Press the Down Arrow key
# PageUp[@<time>] [number] Press the Page Up key
# PageDown[@<time>] [number] Press the Page Down key
# Ctrl+<key> Press the Control key + <key> (e.g. Ctrl+C)
# Display:
# Hide Hide the subsequent commands from the output
# Show Show the subsequent commands in the output
Output preview.gif
Require linutil
Require sh
Set Shell "bash"
Set FontSize 32
Set Width 3200
Set Height 1800
Sleep 1s
Type "linutil -t compatible" Sleep 1s Enter
Sleep 5s
Left Sleep 2s
Down Sleep 1s
Down Sleep 1s
Down Sleep 1s
Down Sleep 2s
Right Sleep 3s
Type "/" Sleep 1s
Type@200ms "System Cleanup" Sleep 1s Enter
Sleep 2s
Enter Sleep 3s
Type "y" Sleep 15s # CONFIRMATION PROMPT
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
</span><span id=__span-1-3><a id=__codelineno-1-3 name=__codelineno-1-3 href=#__codelineno-1-3></a>makepkg<span class=w> </span>-si
</span></code></pre></div> Replace `<package>` with your preferred package. If you use [yay](https://github.com/Jguer/yay), [paru](https://github.com/Morganamilo/paru) or any other [AUR Helper](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AUR_helpers), it's even simpler: <div class="language-bash highlight"><pre><span></span><code><span id=__span-2-1><a id=__codelineno-2-1 name=__codelineno-2-1 href=#__codelineno-2-1></a>paru<span class=w> </span>-S<span class=w> </span>linutil
</span></code></pre></div> Replace `paru` with your preferred helper and `linutil` with your preferred package. </details> <details> <summary>Cargo</summary> LinUtil can be installed via [Cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo) with: <div class="language-bash highlight"><pre><span></span><code><span id=__span-3-1><a id=__codelineno-3-1 name=__codelineno-3-1 href=#__codelineno-3-1></a>cargo<span class=w> </span>install<span class=w> </span>linutil
</span></code></pre></div> Note that crates installed using `cargo install` require manual updating with `cargo install --force` (update functionality is [included in LinUtil](https://christitustech.github.io/linutil/userguide/#applications-setup)) </details> <hr> <p>After you've ran the command, you should see a GUI on your screen; It will look something like this:</p> <p><img alt=preview src=assets/preview.png></p> <div class="admonition info"> <p class=admonition-title>Info</p> <p>LinUtil is updated weekly as of the time of writing. Consequently, features and functionalities may evolve, and the documentation may not always reflect the most current images or information.</p> </div> <aside class=md-source-file> <span class=md-source-file__fact> <span class=md-icon title="Last update"> <svg xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M21 13.1c-.1 0-.3.1-.4.2l-1 1 2.1 2.1 1-1c.2-.2.2-.6 0-.8l-1.3-1.3c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.4-.2m-1.9 1.8-6.1 6V23h2.1l6.1-6.1-2.1-2M12.5 7v5.2l4 2.4-1 1L11 13V7h1.5M11 21.9c-5.1-.5-9-4.8-9-9.9C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2c5.3 0 9.6 4.1 10 9.3-.3-.1-.6-.2-1-.2s-.7.1-1 .2C19.6 7.2 16.2 4 12 4c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8 0 4.1 3.1 7.5 7.1 7.9l-.1.2v1.8Z"/></svg> </span> <span class="git-revision-date-localized-plugin git-revision-date-localized-plugin-date">September 22, 2024</span> </span> </aside> </article> </div> <script>var tabs=__md_get("__tabs");if(Array.isArray(tabs))e:for(var set of document.querySelectorAll(".tabbed-set")){var tab,labels=set.querySelector(".tabbed-labels");for(tab of tabs)for(var label of labels.getElementsByTagName("label"))if(label.innerText.trim()===tab){var input=document.getElementById(label.htmlFor);input.checked=!0;continue e}}</script> <script>var target=document.getElementById(location.hash.slice(1));target&&target.name&&(target.checked=target.name.startsWith("__tabbed_"))</script> </div> <button type=button class="md-top md-icon" data-md-component=top hidden> <svg xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M13 20h-2V8l-5.5 5.5-1.42-1.42L12 4.16l7.92 7.92-1.42 1.42L13 8v12Z"/></svg> Back to top </button> </main> </div> <div class=md-dialog data-md-component=dialog> <div class="md-dialog__inner md-typeset"></div> </div> <script id=__config type=application/json>{"base": ".", "features": ["navigation.tabs", "navigation.sections", "toc.integrate", "navigation.top", "search.suggest", "search.highlight", "content.tabs.link", "content.code.annotation", "content.code.copy"], "search": "assets/javascripts/workers/search.b8dbb3d2.min.js", "translations": {"clipboard.copied": "Copied to clipboard", "clipboard.copy": "Copy to clipboard", "search.result.more.one": "1 more on this page", "search.result.more.other": "# more on this page", "search.result.none": "No matching documents", "search.result.one": "1 matching document", "search.result.other": "# matching documents", "search.result.placeholder": "Type to start searching", "search.result.term.missing": "Missing", "select.version": "Select version"}}</script> <script src=assets/javascripts/bundle.fe8b6f2b.min.js></script> </body> </html>
</span></code></pre></div> Note that crates installed using `cargo install` require manual updating with `cargo install --force` (update functionality is [included in LinUtil](https://christitustech.github.io/linutil/userguide/#applications-setup)) </details> <hr> <p>After you've ran the command, you should see a GUI on your screen; It will look something like this:</p> <p><img alt=preview src=assets/preview.gif></p> <div class="admonition info"> <p class=admonition-title>Info</p> <p>LinUtil is updated weekly as of the time of writing. Consequently, features and functionalities may evolve, and the documentation may not always reflect the most current images or information.</p> </div> <aside class=md-source-file> <span class=md-source-file__fact> <span class=md-icon title="Last update"> <svg xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M21 13.1c-.1 0-.3.1-.4.2l-1 1 2.1 2.1 1-1c.2-.2.2-.6 0-.8l-1.3-1.3c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.4-.2m-1.9 1.8-6.1 6V23h2.1l6.1-6.1-2.1-2M12.5 7v5.2l4 2.4-1 1L11 13V7h1.5M11 21.9c-5.1-.5-9-4.8-9-9.9C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2c5.3 0 9.6 4.1 10 9.3-.3-.1-.6-.2-1-.2s-.7.1-1 .2C19.6 7.2 16.2 4 12 4c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8 0 4.1 3.1 7.5 7.1 7.9l-.1.2v1.8Z"/></svg> </span> <span class="git-revision-date-localized-plugin git-revision-date-localized-plugin-date">October 2, 2024</span> </span> </aside> </article> </div> <script>var tabs=__md_get("__tabs");if(Array.isArray(tabs))e:for(var set of document.querySelectorAll(".tabbed-set")){var tab,labels=set.querySelector(".tabbed-labels");for(tab of tabs)for(var label of labels.getElementsByTagName("label"))if(label.innerText.trim()===tab){var input=document.getElementById(label.htmlFor);input.checked=!0;continue e}}</script> <script>var target=document.getElementById(location.hash.slice(1));target&&target.name&&(target.checked=target.name.startsWith("__tabbed_"))</script> </div> <button type=button class="md-top md-icon" data-md-component=top hidden> <svg xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M13 20h-2V8l-5.5 5.5-1.42-1.42L12 4.16l7.92 7.92-1.42 1.42L13 8v12Z"/></svg> Back to top </button> </main> </div> <div class=md-dialog data-md-component=dialog> <div class="md-dialog__inner md-typeset"></div> </div> <script id=__config type=application/json>{"base": ".", "features": ["navigation.tabs", "navigation.sections", "toc.integrate", "navigation.top", "search.suggest", "search.highlight", "content.tabs.link", "content.code.annotation", "content.code.copy"], "search": "assets/javascripts/workers/search.b8dbb3d2.min.js", "translations": {"clipboard.copied": "Copied to clipboard", "clipboard.copy": "Copy to clipboard", "search.result.more.one": "1 more on this page", "search.result.more.other": "# more on this page", "search.result.none": "No matching documents", "search.result.one": "1 matching document", "search.result.other": "# matching documents", "search.result.placeholder": "Type to start searching", "search.result.term.missing": "Missing", "select.version": "Select version"}}</script> <script src=assets/javascripts/bundle.fe8b6f2b.min.js></script> </body> </html>
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