#!/bin/sh -e . ../../common-script.sh # This script allows user to download proprietary drivers for nvidia in fedora # It also disables noveau nvidia drivers # Installation guide link: https://rpmfusion.org/Howto/NVIDIA # NOTE: Currently script only provides drivers for gpu 2014 and above (510+ and above) checkRepo() { REPO_ID="rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver" if [ $(dnf repolist enabled 2>/dev/null | grep "$REPO_ID" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Nvidia non-free repository is already enabled.${RC}" else printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Nvidia non-free repository is not enabled. Enabling now...${RC}" # Enable the repository "$ESCALATION_TOOL" dnf config-manager --set-enabled "$REPO_ID" # Refreshing repository list "$ESCALATION_TOOL" dnf makecache # Verify if the repository is enabled if [ $(dnf repolist enabled 2>/dev/null | grep "$REPO_ID" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Nvidia non-free repository is now enabled...${RC}" else printf "%b\n" "${RED}Failed to enable nvidia non-free repository...${RC}" exit 1 fi fi } checkDriverInstallation() { if modinfo -F version nvidia >/dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 else return 1 fi } installDriver() { if checkDriverInstallation; then printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}NVIDIA driver is already installed.${RC}" exit 0 fi # NOTE:: Installing graphics driver. "$ESCALATION_TOOL" dnf install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda -y printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Building the drivers may take upto 5 minutes. Please don't kill the script!\n If the build failed try running the script again, select \"Remove Nvidia Drivers\" and reboot the system, then try installing drivers again.${RC}" for i in $(seq 1 5); do if checkDriverInstallation; then printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Driver installed successfully.${RC}" printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Installed driver version $(modinfo -F version nvidia)${RC}" break fi printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Waiting for driver to be built..." sleep 1m done printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Now you can reboot the system.${RC}" } # NOTE: A confirmation option to proceed or not userConfirmation() { printf "%b" "${YELLOW}Do you want to continue? (Y/N): ${RC}" read -r choice case "$choice" in y | Y) checkRepo installDriver return ;; n | N) printf "%b\n" "${RED} Exiting the Script ${RC}" return ;; *) printf "%b\n" "${RED} Invalid Option! ${RC}" userConfirmation ;; esac } printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Warning! This script will enable Nvidia non-free repository and only install drivers for GPUs from 2014 or later. It works on fedora 34 and above.\n It is recommended remove this driver while updating your kernel packages to newer version.${RC}" checkEnv checkEscalationTool userConfirmation