#!/bin/sh . ../common-script.sh # Function to install zsh installZsh() { if ! command_exists zsh; then printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Installing Zsh...${RC}" case "$PACKAGER" in pacman) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" -S --needed --noconfirm zsh ;; apk) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" add zsh ;; *) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" install -y zsh ;; esac else printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}ZSH is already installed.${RC}" fi } # Function to setup zsh configuration setupZshConfig() { printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Setting up Zsh configuration...${RC}" CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.config/zsh" ZSHRC_FILE="$CONFIG_DIR/.zshrc" if [ ! -d "$CONFIG_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$CONFIG_DIR" fi # Write the configuration to .zshrc cat <<EOL >"$ZSHRC_FILE" HISTFILE=~/.config/zsh/.histfile HISTSIZE=5000 SAVEHIST=100000 setopt autocd extendedglob unsetopt beep bindkey -v # Configure the prompt with embedded Solarized color codes PROMPT='%F{32}%n%f%F{166}@%f%F{64}%m:%F{166}%~%f%F{15}$%f ' RPROMPT='%F{15}(%F{166}%D{%H:%M}%F{15})%f' EOL # Ensure /etc/zsh/zshenv sets ZDOTDIR to the user's config directory [ ! -f /etc/zsh/zshenv ] && "$ESCALATION_TOOL" mkdir -p /etc/zsh && "$ESCALATION_TOOL" touch /etc/zsh/zshenv echo "export ZDOTDIR=\"$HOME/.config/zsh\"" | "$ESCALATION_TOOL" tee -a /etc/zsh/zshenv } checkEnv checkEscalationTool installZsh setupZshConfig