#!/bin/bash source ./utility_functions.sh RESET='\033[0m' BOLD='\033[1m' RED='\033[31m' GREEN='\033[32m' YELLOW='\033[33m' BLUE='\033[34m' CYAN='\033[36m' # Function to set resolutions set_resolutions() { monitor_list=$(detect_connected_monitors) IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a monitor_array <<<"$monitor_list" while true; do clear echo -e "${BLUE}=========================================${RESET}" echo -e "${BLUE} Monitor Configuration${RESET}" echo -e "${BLUE}=========================================${RESET}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Choose a monitor to configure:${RESET}" for i in "${!monitor_array[@]}"; do echo -e "$((i + 1)). ${CYAN}${monitor_array[i]}${RESET}" done read -p "Enter the choice (or 'q' to quit): " monitor_choice if [[ "$monitor_choice" == "q" ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Exiting...${RESET}" return fi if ! [[ "$monitor_choice" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || (( monitor_choice < 1 )) || (( monitor_choice > ${#monitor_array[@]} )); then echo -e "${RED}Invalid selection. Please try again.${RESET}" read -p "Press [Enter] to continue..." continue fi monitor_name="${monitor_array[monitor_choice - 1]}" resolutions=$(get_unique_resolutions "$monitor_name") # Create a temporary file with resolutions and indices temp_res_file=$(mktemp) echo "$resolutions" | awk '{print NR " " $0}' > "$temp_res_file" # Read the resolutions into an associative array declare -A resolution_map while read -r index resolution; do resolution_map[$index]="$resolution" done < "$temp_res_file" clear echo -e "${BLUE}=========================================${RESET}" echo -e "${BLUE} Resolution Configuration for ${CYAN}$monitor_name${RESET}" echo -e "${BLUE}=========================================${RESET}" echo -e "${YELLOW}Choose resolution for $monitor_name:${RESET}" awk '{print $1 ". " $2}' "$temp_res_file" while true; do read -p "Enter the choice (or 'q' to quit): " resolution_choice if [[ "$resolution_choice" == "q" ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Exiting...${RESET}" rm "$temp_res_file" return fi if ! [[ "$resolution_choice" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || (( resolution_choice < 1 )) || (( resolution_choice > ${#resolution_map[@]} )); then echo -e "${RED}Invalid selection. Please try again.${RESET}" continue fi # Map the index to the actual resolution selected_resolution=${resolution_map[$resolution_choice]} read -p "Set resolution for $monitor_name to $selected_resolution? (y/n): " confirm if [[ "$confirm" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Setting resolution for $monitor_name to $selected_resolution${RESET}" execute_command "xrandr --output $monitor_name --mode $selected_resolution" break else echo -e "${RED}Action canceled. Please choose a different resolution.${RESET}" fi done # Clean up the temporary file rm "$temp_res_file" done } set_resolutions