use crate::{ filter::{Filter, SearchAction}, float::{Float, FloatContent}, floating_text::{FloatingText, FloatingTextMode}, hint::{draw_shortcuts, SHORTCUT_LINES}, running_command::RunningCommand, theme::Theme, }; use crossterm::event::{KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyEventKind, KeyModifiers}; use ego_tree::NodeId; use linutil_core::{Command, ListNode, Tab}; use ratatui::{ layout::{Alignment, Constraint, Direction, Layout}, style::{Style, Stylize}, text::{Line, Span}, widgets::{Block, Borders, List, ListState, Paragraph}, Frame, }; const MIN_WIDTH: u16 = 77; const MIN_HEIGHT: u16 = 19; pub struct AppState { /// Selected theme theme: Theme, /// Currently focused area pub focus: Focus, /// List of tabs tabs: Vec, /// Current tab current_tab: ListState, /// This stack keeps track of our "current directory". You can think of it as `pwd`. but not /// just the current directory, all paths that took us here, so we can "cd .." visit_stack: Vec, /// This is the state asociated with the list widget, used to display the selection in the /// widget selection: ListState, filter: Filter, multi_select: bool, selected_commands: Vec, drawable: bool, } pub enum Focus { Search, TabList, List, FloatingWindow(Float), } pub struct ListEntry { pub node: ListNode, pub id: NodeId, pub has_children: bool, } impl AppState { pub fn new(theme: Theme, override_validation: bool) -> Self { let tabs = linutil_core::get_tabs(!override_validation); let root_id = tabs[0].tree.root().id(); let mut state = Self { theme, focus: Focus::List, tabs, current_tab: ListState::default().with_selected(Some(0)), visit_stack: vec![root_id], selection: ListState::default().with_selected(Some(0)), filter: Filter::new(), multi_select: false, selected_commands: Vec::new(), drawable: false, }; state.update_items(); state } pub fn draw(&mut self, frame: &mut Frame) { let terminal_size = frame.area(); if terminal_size.width < MIN_WIDTH || terminal_size.height < MIN_HEIGHT { let size_warning_message = format!( "Terminal size too small:\nWidth = {} Height = {}\n\nMinimum size:\nWidth = {} Height = {}", terminal_size.width, terminal_size.height, MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT, ); let warning_paragraph = Paragraph::new(size_warning_message.clone()) .alignment(Alignment::Center) .style(Style::default().fg(ratatui::style::Color::Red).bold()) .wrap(ratatui::widgets::Wrap { trim: true }); // Get the maximum width and height of text lines let text_lines: Vec = size_warning_message .lines() .map(|line| line.to_string()) .collect(); let max_line_length = text_lines.iter().map(|line| line.len()).max().unwrap_or(0); let num_lines = text_lines.len(); // Calculate the centered area let centered_area = ratatui::layout::Rect { x: terminal_size.x + (terminal_size.width - max_line_length as u16) / 2, y: terminal_size.y + (terminal_size.height - num_lines as u16) / 2, width: max_line_length as u16, height: num_lines as u16, }; frame.render_widget(warning_paragraph, centered_area); self.drawable = false; } else { self.drawable = true; } if !self.drawable { return; } let label_block = Block::default() .borders(Borders::all()) .border_set(ratatui::symbols::border::Set { top_left: " ", top_right: " ", bottom_left: " ", bottom_right: " ", vertical_left: " ", vertical_right: " ", horizontal_top: "*", horizontal_bottom: "*", }); let str1 = "Linutil "; let str2 = "by Chris Titus"; let label = Paragraph::new(Line::from(vec![ Span::styled(str1, Style::default().bold()), Span::styled(str2, Style::default().italic()), ])) .block(label_block) .alignment(Alignment::Center); let longest_tab_display_len = self .tabs .iter() .map(|tab| + self.theme.tab_icon().len()) .max() .unwrap_or(0) .max(str1.len() + str2.len()); let vertical = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([ Constraint::Percentage(100), Constraint::Min(2 + SHORTCUT_LINES as u16), ]) .margin(0) .split(frame.area()); let horizontal = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints([ Constraint::Min(longest_tab_display_len as u16 + 5), Constraint::Percentage(100), ]) .split(vertical[0]); let left_chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Min(1)]) .split(horizontal[0]); frame.render_widget(label, left_chunks[0]); let tabs = self .tabs .iter() .map(|tab| .collect::>(); let tab_hl_style = if let Focus::TabList = self.focus { Style::default().reversed().fg(self.theme.tab_color()) } else { Style::new().fg(self.theme.tab_color()) }; let list = List::new(tabs) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL)) .highlight_style(tab_hl_style) .highlight_symbol(self.theme.tab_icon()); frame.render_stateful_widget(list, left_chunks[1], &mut self.current_tab); let chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Min(1)].as_ref()) .split(horizontal[1]); self.filter.draw_searchbar(frame, chunks[0], &self.theme); let mut items: Vec = Vec::new(); if !self.at_root() { items.push( Line::from(format!("{} ..", self.theme.dir_icon())).style(self.theme.dir_color()), ); } items.extend(self.filter.item_list().iter().map( |ListEntry { node, has_children, .. }| { let is_selected = self.selected_commands.contains(&node.command); let (indicator, style) = if is_selected { (self.theme.multi_select_icon(), Style::default().bold()) } else { ("", Style::new()) }; if *has_children { Line::from(format!( "{} {} {}", self.theme.dir_icon(),, indicator )) .style(self.theme.dir_color()) } else { Line::from(format!( "{} {} {}", self.theme.cmd_icon(),, indicator )) .style(self.theme.cmd_color()) .patch_style(style) } }, )); if let Focus::List = self.focus { Style::default().reversed() } else { Style::new() }; let title = format!( "Linux Toolbox - {} {}", env!("BUILD_DATE"), self.multi_select.then(|| "[Multi-Select]").unwrap_or("") ); // Create the list widget with items let list = List::new(items) .highlight_style(style) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title(title)) .scroll_padding(1); frame.render_stateful_widget(list, chunks[1], &mut self.selection); if let Focus::FloatingWindow(float) = &mut self.focus { float.draw(frame, chunks[1]); } draw_shortcuts(self, frame, vertical[1]); } pub fn handle_key(&mut self, key: &KeyEvent) -> bool { // This should be defined first to allow closing // the application even when not drawable ( If terminal is small ) // Exit on 'q' or 'Ctrl-c' input if matches!(self.focus, Focus::TabList | Focus::List) && (key.code == KeyCode::Char('q') || key.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) && key.code == KeyCode::Char('c')) { return false; } // If UI is not drawable returning true will mark as the key handled if !self.drawable { return true; } // Handle key only when Tablist or List is focused // Prevents exiting the application even when a command is running // Add keys here which should work on both TabList and List if matches!(self.focus, Focus::TabList | Focus::List) { match key.code { KeyCode::Tab => { if self.current_tab.selected().unwrap() == self.tabs.len() - 1 { self.current_tab.select_first(); } else { self.current_tab.select_next(); } self.refresh_tab(); } KeyCode::BackTab => { if self.current_tab.selected().unwrap() == 0 { - 1)); } else { self.current_tab.select_previous(); } self.refresh_tab(); } _ => {} } } match &mut self.focus { Focus::FloatingWindow(command) => { if command.handle_key_event(key) { self.focus = Focus::List; } } Focus::Search => match self.filter.handle_key(key) { SearchAction::Exit => self.exit_search(), SearchAction::Update => self.update_items(), _ => {} }, Focus::TabList => match key.code { KeyCode::Enter | KeyCode::Char('l') | KeyCode::Right => self.focus = Focus::List, KeyCode::Char('j') | KeyCode::Down if self.current_tab.selected().unwrap() + 1 < self.tabs.len() => { self.current_tab.select_next(); self.refresh_tab(); } KeyCode::Char('k') | KeyCode::Up => { self.current_tab.select_previous(); self.refresh_tab(); } KeyCode::Char('/') => self.enter_search(), KeyCode::Char('t') =>, KeyCode::Char('T') => self.theme.prev(), _ => {} }, Focus::List if key.kind != KeyEventKind::Release => match key.code { KeyCode::Char('j') | KeyCode::Down => self.selection.select_next(), KeyCode::Char('k') | KeyCode::Up => self.selection.select_previous(), KeyCode::Char('p') | KeyCode::Char('P') => self.enable_preview(), KeyCode::Char('d') | KeyCode::Char('D') => self.enable_description(), KeyCode::Enter | KeyCode::Char('l') | KeyCode::Right => self.handle_enter(), KeyCode::Char('h') | KeyCode::Left => { if self.at_root() { self.focus = Focus::TabList; } else { self.enter_parent_directory(); } } KeyCode::Char('/') => self.enter_search(), KeyCode::Char('t') =>, KeyCode::Char('T') => self.theme.prev(), KeyCode::Char('v') | KeyCode::Char('V') => self.toggle_multi_select(), KeyCode::Char(' ') if self.multi_select => self.toggle_selection(), _ => {} }, _ => (), }; true } fn toggle_multi_select(&mut self) { if self.is_current_tab_multi_selectable() { self.multi_select = !self.multi_select; if !self.multi_select { self.selected_commands.clear(); } } } fn toggle_selection(&mut self) { if let Some(command) = self.get_selected_command() { if self.selected_commands.contains(&command) { self.selected_commands.retain(|c| c != &command); } else { self.selected_commands.push(command); } } } pub fn is_current_tab_multi_selectable(&self) -> bool { let index = self.current_tab.selected().unwrap_or(0); self.tabs .get(index) .map_or(false, |tab| tab.multi_selectable) } fn update_items(&mut self) { self.filter.update_items( &self.tabs, self.current_tab.selected().unwrap(), *self.visit_stack.last().unwrap(), ); if !self.is_current_tab_multi_selectable() { self.multi_select = false; self.selected_commands.clear(); } } /// Checks either the current tree node is the root node (can we go up the tree or no) /// Returns `true` if we can't go up the tree (we are at the tree root) /// else returns `false` pub fn at_root(&self) -> bool { self.visit_stack.len() == 1 } fn enter_parent_directory(&mut self) { self.visit_stack.pop();; self.update_items(); } fn get_selected_node(&self) -> Option<&ListNode> { let mut selected_index = self.selection.selected().unwrap_or(0); if !self.at_root() && selected_index == 0 { return None; } if !self.at_root() { selected_index = selected_index.saturating_sub(1); } if let Some(item) = self.filter.item_list().get(selected_index) { if !item.has_children { return Some(&item.node); } } None } pub fn get_selected_command(&self) -> Option { self.get_selected_node().map(|node| node.command.clone()) } fn get_selected_description(&self) -> Option { self.get_selected_node() .map(|node| node.description.clone()) } pub fn go_to_selected_dir(&mut self) { let mut selected_index = self.selection.selected().unwrap_or(0); if !self.at_root() && selected_index == 0 { self.enter_parent_directory(); return; } if !self.at_root() { selected_index = selected_index.saturating_sub(1); } if let Some(item) = self.filter.item_list().get(selected_index) { if item.has_children { self.visit_stack.push(;; self.update_items(); } } } pub fn selected_item_is_dir(&self) -> bool { let mut selected_index = self.selection.selected().unwrap_or(0); if !self.at_root() && selected_index == 0 { return false; } if !self.at_root() { selected_index = selected_index.saturating_sub(1); } self.filter .item_list() .get(selected_index) .map_or(false, |item| item.has_children) } pub fn selected_item_is_cmd(&self) -> bool { !self.selected_item_is_dir() } pub fn selected_item_is_up_dir(&self) -> bool { let selected_index = self.selection.selected().unwrap_or(0); !self.at_root() && selected_index == 0 } fn enable_preview(&mut self) { if let Some(command) = self.get_selected_command() { if let Some(preview) = FloatingText::from_command(&command, FloatingTextMode::Preview) { self.spawn_float(preview, 80, 80); } } } fn enable_description(&mut self) { if let Some(command_description) = self.get_selected_description() { let description_content: Vec = vec![] .into_iter() .chain(command_description.lines().map(|line| line.to_string())) // New line when \n is given in toml .collect(); let description = FloatingText::new(description_content, FloatingTextMode::Description); self.spawn_float(description, 80, 80); } } fn handle_enter(&mut self) { if self.selected_item_is_cmd() { if self.selected_commands.is_empty() { if let Some(cmd) = self.get_selected_command() { self.selected_commands.push(cmd); } } let command = RunningCommand::new(self.selected_commands.clone()); self.spawn_float(command, 80, 80); self.selected_commands.clear(); } else { self.go_to_selected_dir(); } } fn spawn_float(&mut self, float: T, width: u16, height: u16) { self.focus = Focus::FloatingWindow(Float::new(Box::new(float), width, height)); } fn enter_search(&mut self) { self.focus = Focus::Search; self.filter.activate_search();; } fn exit_search(&mut self) {; self.focus = Focus::List; self.filter.deactivate_search(); self.update_items(); } fn refresh_tab(&mut self) { self.visit_stack = vec![self.tabs[self.current_tab.selected().unwrap()] .tree .root() .id()];; self.update_items(); } }