#!/bin/sh -e . ../common-script.sh fastUpdate() { case "$PACKAGER" in pacman) $AUR_HELPER -S --needed --noconfirm rate-mirrors-bin printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Generating a new list of mirrors using rate-mirrors. This process may take a few seconds...${RC}" if [ -s /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ]; then "$ESCALATION_TOOL" cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.bak fi # If for some reason DTYPE is still unknown use always arch so the rate-mirrors does not fail dtype_local=${DTYPE} if [ "${DTYPE}" = "unknown" ]; then dtype_local="arch" fi "$ESCALATION_TOOL" rate-mirrors --top-mirrors-number-to-retest=5 --disable-comments --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist --allow-root ${dtype_local} if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ ! -s /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ]; then printf "%b\n" "${RED}Rate-mirrors failed, restoring backup.${RC}" "$ESCALATION_TOOL" cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.bak /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist fi ;; apt-get|nala) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" apt-get update if ! command_exists nala; then "$ESCALATION_TOOL" apt-get install -y nala || { printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Falling back to apt-get${RC}"; PACKAGER="apt-get"; } fi if [ "$PACKAGER" = "nala" ]; then "$ESCALATION_TOOL" cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak "$ESCALATION_TOOL" nala update PACKAGER="nala" fi "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" upgrade -y ;; dnf) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" update -y ;; zypper) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" ref "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" --non-interactive dup ;; *) printf "%b\n" "${RED}Unsupported package manager: "$PACKAGER"${RC}" exit 1 ;; esac } updateSystem() { printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Updating system${RC}" case "$PACKAGER" in apt-get|nala) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" update -y "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" upgrade -y ;; dnf) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" update -y "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" upgrade -y ;; pacman) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" -Sy --noconfirm --needed archlinux-keyring "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" -Su --noconfirm ;; zypper) "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" ref "$ESCALATION_TOOL" "$PACKAGER" --non-interactive dup ;; *) printf "%b\n" "${RED}Unsupported package manager: "$PACKAGER"${RC}" exit 1 ;; esac } updateFlatpaks() { if command_exists flatpak; then printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Updating installed Flathub apps...${RC}" installed_apps=$(flatpak list --app --columns=application) if [ -z "$installed_apps" ]; then printf "%b\n" "${RED}No Flathub apps are installed.${RC}" return fi for app in $installed_apps; do printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Updating $app...${RC}" flatpak update -y "$app" done fi } checkEnv checkAURHelper checkEscalationTool fastUpdate updateSystem updateFlatpaks