use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::VecDeque, io::{Cursor, Read as _, Seek, SeekFrom, Write as _}, }; use crate::{float::FloatContent, hint::Shortcut}; use linutil_core::Command; use crossterm::event::{KeyCode, KeyEvent}; use ratatui::{ layout::Rect, style::{Style, Stylize}, text::Line, widgets::{Block, Borders, Clear, List}, Frame, }; use ansi_to_tui::IntoText; use textwrap::wrap; use tree_sitter_bash as hl_bash; use tree_sitter_highlight::{self as hl, HighlightEvent}; use zips::zip_result; pub struct FloatingText { pub src: String, wrapped_lines: Vec<String>, max_line_width: usize, v_scroll: usize, h_scroll: usize, mode_title: String, wrap_words: bool, frame_height: usize, } macro_rules! style { ($r:literal, $g:literal, $b:literal) => {{ use anstyle::{Color, RgbColor, Style}; Style::new().fg_color(Some(Color::Rgb(RgbColor($r, $g, $b)))) }}; } const SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES: [(&str, anstyle::Style); 8] = [ ("function", style!(220, 220, 170)), // yellow ("string", style!(206, 145, 120)), // brown ("property", style!(156, 220, 254)), // light blue ("comment", style!(92, 131, 75)), // green ("embedded", style!(206, 145, 120)), // blue (string expansions) ("constant", style!(79, 193, 255)), // dark blue ("keyword", style!(197, 134, 192)), // magenta ("number", style!(181, 206, 168)), // light green ]; fn get_highlighted_string(s: &str) -> Option<String> { let mut hl_conf = hl::HighlightConfiguration::new( hl_bash::LANGUAGE.into(), "bash", hl_bash::HIGHLIGHT_QUERY, "", "", ) .ok()?; let matched_tokens = &SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES .iter() .map(|hl| hl.0) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); hl_conf.configure(matched_tokens); let mut hl = hl::Highlighter::new(); let mut style_stack = vec![anstyle::Style::new()]; let src = s.as_bytes(); let events = hl.highlight(&hl_conf, src, None, |_| None).ok()?; let mut buf = Cursor::new(vec![]); for event in events { match event.unwrap() { HighlightEvent::HighlightStart(h) => { style_stack.push(SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES.get(h.0)?.1); } HighlightEvent::HighlightEnd => { style_stack.pop(); } HighlightEvent::Source { start, end } => { let style = style_stack.last()?; zip_result!( write!(&mut buf, "{}", style), buf.write_all(&src[start..end]), write!(&mut buf, "{style:#}"), )?; } } } let mut output = String::new(); zip_result!(, buf.read_to_string(&mut output), )?; Some(output) } #[inline] fn get_lines(s: &str) -> Vec<&str> { s.lines().collect::<Vec<_>>() } #[inline] fn get_lines_owned(s: &str) -> Vec<String> { get_lines(s).iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect() } impl FloatingText { pub fn new(text: String, title: &str, wrap_words: bool) -> Self { let max_line_width = 80; let wrapped_lines = if wrap_words { wrap(&text, max_line_width) .into_iter() .map(|cow| cow.into_owned()) .collect() } else { get_lines_owned(&text) }; Self { src: text, wrapped_lines, mode_title: title.to_string(), max_line_width, v_scroll: 0, h_scroll: 0, wrap_words, frame_height: 0, } } pub fn from_command(command: &Command, title: String) -> Option<Self> { let src = match command { Command::Raw(cmd) => Some(cmd.clone()), Command::LocalFile { file, .. } => std::fs::read_to_string(file) .map_err(|_| format!("File not found: {:?}", file)) .ok(), Command::None => None, }?; let max_line_width = 80; let wrapped_lines = get_lines_owned(&get_highlighted_string(&src)?); Some(Self { src, wrapped_lines, mode_title: title, max_line_width, h_scroll: 0, v_scroll: 0, wrap_words: false, frame_height: 0, }) } fn scroll_down(&mut self) { let visible_lines = self.frame_height.saturating_sub(2); if self.v_scroll + visible_lines < self.src.len() { self.v_scroll += 1; } } fn scroll_up(&mut self) { if self.v_scroll > 0 { self.v_scroll -= 1; } } fn scroll_left(&mut self) { if self.h_scroll > 0 { self.h_scroll -= 1; } } fn scroll_right(&mut self) { if self.h_scroll + 1 < self.max_line_width { self.h_scroll += 1; } } fn update_wrapping(&mut self, width: usize) { if self.max_line_width != width { self.max_line_width = width; self.wrapped_lines = if self.wrap_words { wrap(&self.src, width) .into_iter() .map(|cow| cow.into_owned()) .collect() } else { get_lines_owned(&get_highlighted_string(&self.src).unwrap_or(self.src.clone())) }; } } } impl FloatContent for FloatingText { fn draw(&mut self, frame: &mut Frame, area: Rect) { self.frame_height = area.height as usize; // Define the Block with a border and background color let block = Block::default() .borders(Borders::ALL) .border_set(ratatui::symbols::border::ROUNDED) .title(self.mode_title.clone()) .title_alignment(ratatui::layout::Alignment::Center) .title_style(Style::default().reversed()) .style(Style::default()); frame.render_widget(Clear, area); frame.render_widget(block.clone(), area); // Calculate the inner area to ensure text is not drawn over the border let inner_area = block.inner(area); let Rect { width, height, .. } = inner_area; self.update_wrapping(width as usize); let lines = self .wrapped_lines .iter() .skip(self.v_scroll) .take(height as usize) .flat_map(|l| { if self.wrap_words { vec![Line::raw(l.clone())] } else { l.into_text().unwrap().lines } }) .map(|line| { let mut skipped = 0; let mut spans = line .into_iter() .skip_while(|span| { let skip = (skipped + span.content.len()) <= self.h_scroll; if skip { skipped += span.content.len(); true } else { false } }) .collect::<VecDeque<_>>(); if spans.is_empty() { Line::raw(Cow::Owned(String::new())) } else { if skipped < self.h_scroll { let to_split = spans.pop_front().unwrap(); let new_content = to_split.content.clone().into_owned() [self.h_scroll - skipped..] .to_owned(); spans.push_front(to_split.content(Cow::Owned(new_content))); } Line::from(Vec::from(spans)) } }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); // Create list widget let list = List::new(lines) .block(Block::default()) .highlight_style(Style::default().reversed()); // Render the list inside the bordered area frame.render_widget(list, inner_area); } fn handle_key_event(&mut self, key: &KeyEvent) -> bool { use KeyCode::*; match key.code { Down | Char('j') => self.scroll_down(), Up | Char('k') => self.scroll_up(), Left | Char('h') => self.scroll_left(), Right | Char('l') => self.scroll_right(), _ => {} } false } fn is_finished(&self) -> bool { true } fn get_shortcut_list(&self) -> (&str, Box<[Shortcut]>) { ( &self.mode_title, Box::new([ Shortcut::new("Scroll down", ["j", "Down"]), Shortcut::new("Scroll up", ["k", "Up"]), Shortcut::new("Scroll left", ["h", "Left"]), Shortcut::new("Scroll right", ["l", "Right"]), Shortcut::new("Close window", ["Enter", "p", "q", "d", "g"]), ]), ) } }