name = "Utilities" multi_selectable = false [[data]] name = "Monitor Control" [[data.preconditions]] matches = true data = { environment = "XDG_SESSION_TYPE" } values = ["x11", "X11", "xorg", "Xorg", "tty"] [[data.preconditions]] matches = true data = { environment = "DISPLAY" } values = [":0", ":1", ":2", ":3", ":4", ":5", ":6", ":7", ":8", ":9"] [[data.entries]] name = "Auto Detect Displays" description = "This script is designed to detect and apply recommended configuration for monitors connected with your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Change Orientation" description = "This script is designed to change the orientation of monitors in your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Disable Monitor" description = "This script is designed to disable a monitor in your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Duplicate Displays" description = "This script is designed to duplicate display among multi-monitor setup in your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Enable Monitor" description = "This script is designed to enable a monitor in your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Extend Displays" description = "This script is designed to extend display among multi-monitor setup in your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Manage Arrangement" description = "This script is designed to arrange monitors in multi-monitor setup in your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Reset Scaling" description = "This script is designed to reset scaling of a monitor in your system" script = "monitor-control/" matches = true [[data.entries]] name = "Scale Monitors" description = "This script is designed to change the scaling of monitors in your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Set Brightness" script = "monitor-control/" description = "This script is designed to change the Brightness of monitors connected to your system" matches = true [[data.entries]] name = "Set Primary Monitor" description = "This script is designed to set a Primary monitor in your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data.entries]] name = "Set Resolution" description = "This script is designed to change the resolution of monitors connected to your system" script = "monitor-control/" [[data]] name = "User Account Manager" [[data.entries]] name = "Add User" script = "user-account-manager/" [[data.entries]] name = "Add User To Groups" script = "user-account-manager/" [[data.entries]] name = "Change Password" script = "user-account-manager/" [[data.entries]] name = "Delete User" script = "user-account-manager/" [[data.entries]] name = "Remove User From Groups" script = "user-account-manager/" [[data]] name = "Auto Mount Drive" description = "This utility is designed to help with automating the process of mounting a drive on to your system." script = "" task_list = "PFM" [[data]] name = "Auto Login" script = "" task_list = "DE setup" [[data]] name = "Auto Power Profiling" script = "" task_list = "I" [[data]] name = "Bluetooth Manager" description = "This utility is designed to manage bluetooth in your system" script = "" task_list = "I SS" [[data]] name = "Bootable USB Creator" script = "" task_list = "D" [[data]] name = "Crypto tool" script = "" task_list = "I FM" [[data]] name = "Numlock on Startup" description = "This utility is designed to configure auto enabling of numlock on boot" script = "" task_list = "PFM SS" [[data]] name = "Ollama" description = "This utility is designed to manage ollama in your system" script = "" task_list = "I SS" [[data]] name = "Service Manager" description = "This utility is designed to manage services in your system" script = "" task_list = "I PFM SS" [[data]] name = "SSH Commands" script = "" task_list = "I FM SS" [[data]] name = "SSH Samba" script = "" task_list = "I SS PFM" [[data]] name = "Timeshift Backup" script = "" task_list = "I" [[data.preconditions]] matches = false data = "command_exists" values = [ "dnf" ] [[data]] name = "WiFi Manager" description = "This utility is designed to manage wifi in your system" script = "" task_list = "I SS"