Announcement: This documentation is still in progress.
System Setup
- System Update: Starts a system-wide update.
- Compile Setup: Installs tools and dependencies for compiling software.
- Gaming Setup: Configures Steam, Lutris, etc.
- Global Theming: Sets up and manages global themes.
- Remove Snaps: Removes snap packages.
Arch Setup
- Paru Setup: Installs the Paru AUR helper.
- Yay Setup: Installs the Yay AUR helper.
- Server Setup: Installs Arch Linux.
Fedora Setup
- RPM Fusion Setup: Adds RPM Fusion repositories.
Applications Setup
- Flathub: Installs / Uninstalls Flatpak and Flathub.
- Alacritty Setup: Installs and configures Alacritty for you.
- DwmTitus Setup: Sets up the Dwm window manager.
- Kitty Setup: Installs and configures Kitty for you.
- Rofi Setup: Installs the Rofi application/script launcher.
- Zsh Setup: Installs and configures Zsh for you.
Security Features
- Firewall Baselines: Sets up firewall rules.
- Monitor Control: Controls monitor settings on X11.
- Bluetooth Control: Controls Bluetooth settings.
- Wifi Control: Controls WiFi settings.
- Numlock Control: Sets up Numlock on boot.
- User Account Manager: Manage users and groups.