Announcement: This documentation is still in progress.
Walkthrough System Setup System Update : Starts a system-wide update. Compile Setup : Installs tools and dependencies for compiling software. Gaming Setup : Configures Steam, Lutris, etc. Global Theming : Sets up and manages global themes. Remove Snaps : Removes snap packages. Arch Setup Paru Setup : Installs the Paru AUR helper. Yay Setup : Installs the Yay AUR helper. Server Setup : Installs Arch Linux. Fedora Setup RPM Fusion Setup : Adds RPM Fusion free and nonfree repositories. Multimedia Codecs : Installs multimedia codecs and updates multimedia-related packages. Requires RPM Fusion repositories to be set up first. NVIDIA Proprietary Driver Setup : Installs proprietary NVIDIA drivers for GPUs from 2014 or later. Virtualization Setup : Installs virtualization tools. Configure DNF : Optimizes DNF for better speeds. Applications Setup Flathub : Installs Flatpak and Flathub. Alacritty Setup : Installs and configures Alacritty for you. DwmTitus Setup : Sets up the Dwm window manager. Kitty Setup : Installs and configures Kitty for you. Rofi Setup : Installs the Rofi application/script launcher. Zsh Setup : Installs and configures Zsh for you. Fastfetch Setup : Installs and configures Fastfetch. Linutil Updater : Updates the Linutil AUR / Package. Linutil Installer : Installs Linutil via or AUR. Office Suite Setup : Installs various office suites and PDF viewers (OnlyOffice, LibreOffice, WPS Office, FreeOffice, Evince, Okular, PDF Studio Viewer, PDF Studio). Meld Setup : Installs Meld, a visual diff and merge tool. Ngrok Setup : Installs Ngrok, a tool for creating secure tunnels to localhost. Neovim Setup : Installs and configures Neovim, a Vim-based text editor. VS Code Setup : Installs Visual Studio Code, a popular text editor. Sublime Setup : Installs Sublime Text, a nice text editor for code and markup. VS Codium Setup : Installs VS Codium, an open-source build of VS Code. GitHub Desktop Setup : Installs GitHub Desktop, a GUI for Git and GitHub. Security Features Firewall Baselines : Sets up firewall rules. Utilities Wifi Control : Controls WiFi settings. Numlock Control : Sets up Numlock on boot. Bluetooth Control : Controls Bluetooth settings. Monitor control Reset Scaling : Resets monitor scaling to native resolution. Scale Monitor : Scales smaller monitors to the highest resolution of a bigger monitor. Enable Monitor : Enables a selected monitor. Disable Monitor : Disables a selected monitor. Set Brightness : Adjusts brightness for a selected monitor. Set Resolutions : Sets resolutions for connected monitors. Change Orientation : Changes the orientation of a selected monitor. Extend Displays : Extends displays to the right. Duplicate Displays : Duplicates displays. Manage Arrangement : Manages the arrangement of multiple monitors. Set Primary Monitor : Sets a selected monitor as the main display. Auto Detect Displays : Sets common resolution. User Account Manager Add User : Creates a new user account. Delete User : Deletes an existing user account. Add to Group : Adds a user to specified groups. Remove from Group : Removes a user from specified groups. Change Password : Changes the password for a user account. Back to top