use crate::{ float::{Float, FloatContent}, floating_text::FloatingText, running_command::{Command, RunningCommand}, tabs::{ListNode, Tab}, theme::Theme, }; use crossterm::event::{KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyEventKind}; use ego_tree::NodeId; use ratatui::{ layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout}, style::{Color, Style, Stylize}, text::{Line, Span}, widgets::{Block, Borders, List, ListState, Paragraph}, Frame, }; use std::path::PathBuf; pub struct AppState { /// Selected theme theme: Theme, /// Path to the root of the unpacked files in /tmp temp_path: PathBuf, /// Currently focused area focus: Focus, /// List of tabs tabs: Vec, /// Current tab current_tab: ListState, /// Current search query search_query: String, /// Current items items: Vec, /// This stack keeps track of our "current dirrectory". You can think of it as `pwd`. but not /// just the current directory, all paths that took us here, so we can "cd .." visit_stack: Vec, /// This is the state asociated with the list widget, used to display the selection in the /// widget selection: ListState, } pub enum Focus { Search, TabList, List, FloatingWindow(Float), } struct ListEntry { node: ListNode, id: NodeId, has_children: bool, } impl AppState { pub fn new(theme: Theme, temp_path: PathBuf) -> Self { let tabs = crate::tabs::get_tabs(&temp_path, true); let root_id = tabs[0].tree.root().id(); let mut state = Self { theme, temp_path, focus: Focus::List, tabs, current_tab: ListState::default().with_selected(Some(0)), search_query: String::new(), items: vec![], visit_stack: vec![root_id], selection: ListState::default().with_selected(Some(0)), }; state.update_items(); state } pub fn draw(&mut self, frame: &mut Frame) { let longest_tab_display_len = self .tabs .iter() .map(|tab| + self.theme.tab_icon.len()) .max() .unwrap_or(0); let horizontal = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Horizontal) .constraints([ Constraint::Min(longest_tab_display_len as u16 + 5), Constraint::Percentage(100), ]) .split(frame.size()); let left_chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Min(1)]) .split(horizontal[0]); let tabs = self .tabs .iter() .map(|tab| .collect::>(); let tab_hl_style = if let Focus::TabList = self.focus { Style::default().reversed().fg(self.theme.tab_color) } else { Style::new().fg(self.theme.tab_color) }; let list = List::new(tabs) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL)) .highlight_style(tab_hl_style) .highlight_symbol(self.theme.tab_icon); frame.render_stateful_widget(list, left_chunks[1], &mut self.current_tab); let chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints([Constraint::Length(3), Constraint::Min(1)].as_ref()) .split(horizontal[1]); // Render search bar let search_text = match self.focus { Focus::Search => Span::raw(&self.search_query), _ if !self.search_query.is_empty() => Span::raw(&self.search_query), _ => Span::raw("Press / to search"), }; let search_bar = Paragraph::new(search_text) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL)) .style(Style::default().fg(if let Focus::Search = self.focus { Color::Blue } else { Color::DarkGray })); frame.render_widget(search_bar, chunks[0]); let mut items: Vec = Vec::new(); if !self.at_root() { items.push( Line::from(format!("{} ..", self.theme.dir_icon)).style(self.theme.dir_color), ); } items.extend(self.items.iter().map( |ListEntry { node, has_children, .. }| { if *has_children { Line::from(format!("{} {}", self.theme.dir_icon, .style(self.theme.dir_color) } else { Line::from(format!("{} {}", self.theme.cmd_icon, .style(self.theme.cmd_color) } }, )); // Create the list widget with items let list = List::new(items) .highlight_style(if let Focus::List = self.focus { Style::default().reversed() } else { Style::new() }) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL).title(format!( "Linux Toolbox - {}", chrono::Local::now().format("%Y-%m-%d") ))) .scroll_padding(1); frame.render_stateful_widget(list, chunks[1], &mut self.selection); if let Focus::FloatingWindow(float) = &mut self.focus { float.draw(frame, chunks[1]); } } pub fn handle_key(&mut self, key: &KeyEvent) -> bool { match &mut self.focus { Focus::FloatingWindow(command) => { if command.handle_key_event(key) { self.focus = Focus::List; } } Focus::Search => { match key.code { KeyCode::Char(c) => self.search_query.push(c), KeyCode::Backspace => { self.search_query.pop(); } KeyCode::Esc => { self.search_query = String::new(); self.exit_search(); } KeyCode::Enter => self.exit_search(), _ => return true, } self.update_items(); } _ if key.code == KeyCode::Char('q') => return false, Focus::TabList => match key.code { KeyCode::Enter | KeyCode::Char('l') | KeyCode::Right | KeyCode::Tab => { self.focus = Focus::List } KeyCode::Char('j') | KeyCode::Down if self.current_tab.selected().unwrap() + 1 < self.tabs.len() => { self.current_tab.select_next(); self.refresh_tab(); } KeyCode::Char('k') | KeyCode::Up => { self.current_tab.select_previous(); self.refresh_tab(); } KeyCode::Char('/') => self.enter_search(), _ => {} }, Focus::List if key.kind != KeyEventKind::Release => match key.code { KeyCode::Char('j') | KeyCode::Down => self.selection.select_next(), KeyCode::Char('k') | KeyCode::Up => self.selection.select_previous(), KeyCode::Char('p') => self.enable_preview(), KeyCode::Enter | KeyCode::Char('l') | KeyCode::Right => self.handle_enter(), KeyCode::Char('h') | KeyCode::Left => { if self.at_root() { self.focus = Focus::TabList; } else { self.enter_parent_directory(); } } KeyCode::Char('/') => self.enter_search(), KeyCode::Tab => self.focus = Focus::TabList, _ => {} }, _ => {} }; true } pub fn update_items(&mut self) { if self.search_query.is_empty() { let curr = self.tabs[self.current_tab.selected().unwrap()] .tree .get(*self.visit_stack.last().unwrap()) .unwrap(); self.items = curr .children() .map(|node| ListEntry { node: node.value().clone(), id:, has_children: node.has_children(), }) .collect(); } else { self.items.clear(); let query_lower = self.search_query.to_lowercase(); for tab in self.tabs.iter() { let mut stack = vec![tab.tree.root().id()]; while let Some(node_id) = stack.pop() { let node = tab.tree.get(node_id).unwrap(); if node.value().name.to_lowercase().contains(&query_lower) && !node.has_children() { self.items.push(ListEntry { node: node.value().clone(), id:, has_children: false, }); } stack.extend(node.children().map(|child|; } } self.items.sort_by(|a, b|; } } /// Checks ehther the current tree node is the root node (can we go up the tree or no) /// Returns `true` if we can't go up the tree (we are at the tree root) /// else returns `false` fn at_root(&self) -> bool { self.visit_stack.len() == 1 } fn enter_parent_directory(&mut self) { self.visit_stack.pop();; self.update_items(); } fn get_selected_command(&mut self, change_directory: bool) -> Option { let mut selected_index = self.selection.selected().unwrap_or(0); if !self.at_root() && selected_index == 0 { if change_directory { self.enter_parent_directory(); } return None; } if !self.at_root() { selected_index = selected_index.saturating_sub(1); } if let Some(item) = self.items.get(selected_index) { if !item.has_children { return Some(item.node.command.clone()); } else if change_directory { self.visit_stack.push(;; self.update_items(); } } None } fn enable_preview(&mut self) { if let Some(command) = self.get_selected_command(false) { if let Some(preview) = FloatingText::from_command(&command, self.temp_path.clone()) { self.spawn_float(preview, 80, 80); } } } fn handle_enter(&mut self) { if let Some(cmd) = self.get_selected_command(true) { let command = RunningCommand::new(cmd, &self.temp_path); self.spawn_float(command, 80, 80); } } fn spawn_float(&mut self, float: T, width: u16, height: u16) { self.focus = Focus::FloatingWindow(Float::new(Box::new(float), width, height)); } fn enter_search(&mut self) { self.focus = Focus::Search;; } fn exit_search(&mut self) {; self.focus = Focus::List; self.update_items(); } fn refresh_tab(&mut self) { self.visit_stack = vec![self.tabs[self.current_tab.selected().unwrap()] .tree .root() .id()];; self.update_items(); } }