mod confirmation; mod filter; mod float; mod floating_text; mod hint; mod root; mod running_command; pub mod state; mod theme; #[cfg(feature = "tips")] mod tips; use crate::theme::Theme; use clap::Parser; use ratatui::{ backend::CrosstermBackend, crossterm::{ event::{self, DisableMouseCapture, EnableMouseCapture, Event, KeyEventKind}, style::ResetColor, terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}, ExecutableCommand, }, Terminal, }; use state::AppState; use std::{ io::{stdout, Result, Stdout}, path::PathBuf, time::Duration, }; // Linux utility toolbox #[derive(Debug, Parser)] pub struct Args { #[arg(short, long, help = "Path to the configuration file")] config: Option, #[arg(short, long, value_enum)] #[arg(default_value_t = Theme::Default)] #[arg(help = "Set the theme to use in the application")] theme: Theme, #[arg( short = 'y', long, help = "Skip confirmation prompt before executing commands" )] skip_confirmation: bool, #[arg(long, default_value_t = false)] #[clap(help = "Show all available options, disregarding compatibility checks (UNSAFE)")] override_validation: bool, #[arg(long, default_value_t = false)] #[clap(help = "Bypass the terminal size limit")] size_bypass: bool, } fn main() -> Result<()> { let args = Args::parse(); let mut state = AppState::new(args); stdout().execute(EnterAlternateScreen)?; stdout().execute(EnableMouseCapture)?; enable_raw_mode()?; let mut terminal = Terminal::new(CrosstermBackend::new(stdout()))?; terminal.clear()?; run(&mut terminal, &mut state)?; // restore terminal disable_raw_mode()?; terminal.backend_mut().execute(LeaveAlternateScreen)?; terminal.backend_mut().execute(DisableMouseCapture)?; terminal.backend_mut().execute(ResetColor)?; terminal.show_cursor()?; Ok(()) } fn run(terminal: &mut Terminal>, state: &mut AppState) -> Result<()> { loop { terminal.draw(|frame| state.draw(frame)).unwrap(); // Wait for an event if !event::poll(Duration::from_millis(10))? { continue; } // It's guaranteed that the `read()` won't block when the `poll()` // function returns `true` match event::read()? { Event::Key(key) => { if key.kind != KeyEventKind::Press && key.kind != KeyEventKind::Repeat { continue; } if !state.handle_key(&key) { return Ok(()); } } Event::Mouse(mouse_event) => { if !state.handle_mouse(&mouse_event) { return Ok(()); } } _ => {} } } }