#!/bin/sh -e . ../common-script.sh # Function to install Timeshift install_timeshift() { clear printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Checking if Timeshift is installed...${RC}" if ! command_exists timeshift; then case "$PACKAGER" in pacman) elevated_execution "${PACKAGER}" -S --noconfirm timeshift ;; *) elevated_execution "${PACKAGER}" install -y timeshift ;; esac else printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Timeshift is already installed.${RC}" fi } # Function to display the menu display_menu() { clear printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Timeshift CLI Automation${RC}" printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}1) List Snapshots${RC}" printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}2) List Devices${RC}" printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}3) Create Snapshot${RC}" printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}4) Restore Snapshot${RC}" printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}5) Delete Snapshot${RC}" printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}6) Delete All Snapshots${RC}" printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}7) Exit${RC}" } # Function to list snapshots list_snapshots() { printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Listing snapshots...${RC}" elevated_execution timeshift --list-snapshots } # Function to list devices list_devices() { printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Listing available devices...${RC}" elevated_execution timeshift --list-devices } # Function to create a new snapshot create_snapshot() { printf "%b" "${CYAN}Enter a comment for the snapshot (optional): ${RC}" read -r COMMENT printf "%b" "${CYAN}Enter snapshot tag (O,B,H,D,W,M) (leave empty for no tag): ${RC}" read -r TAG if [ -z "$COMMENT" ] && [ -z "$TAG" ]; then printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Creating snapshot with no comment or tag...${RC}" elevated_execution timeshift --create elif [ -z "$TAG" ]; then printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Creating snapshot with no tag...${RC}" elevated_execution timeshift --create --comments "$COMMENT" else printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Creating snapshot with tag: $TAG...${RC}" elevated_execution timeshift --create --comments "$COMMENT" --tags "$TAG" fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Snapshot created successfully.${RC}" else printf "%b\n" "${RED}Snapshot creation failed.${RC}" fi } # Function to restore a snapshot restore_snapshot() { list_snapshots printf "%b" "${CYAN}Enter the snapshot name you want to restore: ${RC}" read -r SNAPSHOT printf "%b" "${CYAN}Enter the target device (e.g., /dev/sda1): ${RC}" read -r TARGET_DEVICE printf "%b" "${CYAN}Do you want to skip GRUB reinstall? (y/N): ${RC}" read -r SKIP_GRUB if [ "$SKIP_GRUB" = "y" ] || [ "$SKIP_GRUB" = "Y" ]; then elevated_execution timeshift --restore --snapshot "$SNAPSHOT" --target-device "$TARGET_DEVICE" --skip-grub --yes else printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Enter GRUB device (e.g., /dev/sda): ${RC}" read -r GRUB_DEVICE elevated_execution timeshift --restore --snapshot "$SNAPSHOT" --target-device "$TARGET_DEVICE" --grub-device "$GRUB_DEVICE" --yes fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Snapshot restored successfully.${RC}" else printf "%b\n" "${RED}Snapshot restore failed.${RC}" fi } # Function to delete a snapshot delete_snapshot() { list_snapshots printf "%b" "${CYAN}Enter the snapshot name you want to delete: ${RC}" read -r SNAPSHOT printf "%b\n" "${YELLOW}Deleting snapshot $SNAPSHOT...${RC}" elevated_execution timeshift --delete --snapshot "$SNAPSHOT" --yes if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Snapshot deleted successfully.${RC}" else printf "%b\n" "${RED}Snapshot deletion failed.${RC}" fi } # Function to delete all snapshots delete_all_snapshots() { printf "%b\n" "${RED}WARNING: This will delete all snapshots!${RC}" printf "%b" "${CYAN}Are you sure? (y/N): ${RC}" read -r CONFIRMATION if [ "$CONFIRMATION" = "y" ] || [ "$CONFIRMATION" = "Y" ]; then printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Deleting all snapshots...${RC}" elevated_execution timeshift --delete-all --yes if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}All snapshots deleted successfully.${RC}" else printf "%b\n" "${RED}Failed to delete snapshots.${RC}" fi else printf "%b\n" "${RED}Operation cancelled.${RC}" fi } main_menu() { while true; do display_menu printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Select an option (1-7): ${RC}" read -r OPTION case $OPTION in 1) list_snapshots ;; 2) list_devices ;; 3) create_snapshot ;; 4) restore_snapshot ;; 5) delete_snapshot ;; 6) delete_all_snapshots ;; 7) printf "%b\n" "${GREEN}Exiting...${RC}"; exit 0 ;; *) printf "%b\n" "${RED}Invalid option. Please try again.${RC}" ;; esac printf "%b\n" "${CYAN}Press Enter to continue...${RC}" read -r dummy done } checkEnv checkEscalationTool install_timeshift main_menu