
359 lines
14 KiB

use crate::{float::FloatContent, hint::Shortcut, shortcuts, theme::Theme};
use linutil_core::Command;
use oneshot::{channel, Receiver};
use portable_pty::{
ChildKiller, CommandBuilder, ExitStatus, MasterPty, NativePtySystem, PtySize, PtySystem,
use ratatui::{
crossterm::event::{KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyModifiers, MouseEvent, MouseEventKind},
use std::{
io::{Result, Write},
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use time::{macros::format_description, OffsetDateTime};
use tui_term::widget::PseudoTerminal;
use vt100_ctt::{Parser, Screen};
pub struct RunningCommand {
/// A buffer to save all the command output (accumulates, until the command exits)
buffer: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>,
/// A handle for the thread running the command
command_thread: Option<JoinHandle<ExitStatus>>,
/// A handle to kill the running process; it's an option because it can only be used once
child_killer: Option<Receiver<Box<dyn ChildKiller + Send + Sync>>>,
/// A join handle for the thread that reads command output and sends it to the main thread
_reader_thread: JoinHandle<()>,
/// Virtual terminal (pty) handle, used for resizing the pty
pty_master: Box<dyn MasterPty + Send>,
/// Used for sending keys to the emulated terminal
writer: Box<dyn Write + Send>,
/// Only set after the process has ended
status: Option<ExitStatus>,
log_path: Option<String>,
scroll_offset: usize,
impl FloatContent for RunningCommand {
fn draw(&mut self, frame: &mut Frame, area: Rect, theme: &Theme) {
// Define the block for the terminal display
let block = if !self.is_finished() {
// Display a block indicating the command is running
.title_top(Line::from("Running the command....").centered())
.title_bottom(Line::from("Press Ctrl-C to KILL the command"))
} else {
// Display a block with the command's exit status
let title_line = if self.get_exit_status().success() {
"SUCCESS! Press <ENTER> to close this window",
} else {
"FAILED! Press <ENTER> to close this window",
let log_path = if let Some(log_path) = &self.log_path {
Line::from(format!(" Log saved: {} ", log_path))
} else {
Line::from(" Press 'l' to save command log ")
// Calculate the inner size of the terminal area, considering borders
let inner_size = block.inner(area).as_size();
// Process the buffer and create the pseudo-terminal widget
let screen = self.screen(inner_size);
let pseudo_term = PseudoTerminal::new(&screen).block(block);
// Render the widget on the frame
frame.render_widget(pseudo_term, area);
fn handle_mouse_event(&mut self, event: &MouseEvent) -> bool {
match event.kind {
MouseEventKind::ScrollUp => {
self.scroll_offset = self.scroll_offset.saturating_add(1);
MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => {
self.scroll_offset = self.scroll_offset.saturating_sub(1);
_ => {}
/// Handle key events of the running command "window". Returns true when the "window" should be
/// closed
fn handle_key_event(&mut self, key: &KeyEvent) -> bool {
match key.code {
// Handle Ctrl-C to kill the command
KeyCode::Char('c') if key.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => {
// Close the window when Enter is pressed and the command is finished
KeyCode::Enter if self.is_finished() => {
return true;
KeyCode::PageUp => {
self.scroll_offset = self.scroll_offset.saturating_add(10);
KeyCode::PageDown => {
self.scroll_offset = self.scroll_offset.saturating_sub(10);
KeyCode::Char('l') if self.is_finished() => {
if let Ok(log_path) = self.save_log() {
self.log_path = Some(log_path);
// Pass other key events to the terminal
_ => self.handle_passthrough_key_event(key),
fn is_finished(&self) -> bool {
// Check if the command thread has finished
if let Some(command_thread) = &self.command_thread {
} else {
fn get_shortcut_list(&self) -> (&str, Box<[Shortcut]>) {
if self.is_finished() {
"Finished command",
("Close window", ["Enter", "q"]),
("Scroll up", ["Page up"]),
("Scroll down", ["Page down"]),
("Save log", ["l"]),
} else {
"Running command",
("Kill the command", ["CTRL-c"]),
("Scroll up", ["Page up"]),
("Scroll down", ["Page down"]),
impl RunningCommand {
pub fn new(commands: &[&Command]) -> Self {
let pty_system = NativePtySystem::default();
// Build the command based on the provided Command enum variant
let mut cmd: CommandBuilder = CommandBuilder::new("sh");
// All the merged commands are passed as a single argument to reduce the overhead of rebuilding the command arguments for each and every command
let mut script = String::new();
for command in commands {
match command {
Command::Raw(prompt) => script.push_str(&format!("{}\n", prompt)),
Command::LocalFile {
} => {
if let Some(parent_directory) = file.parent() {
script.push_str(&format!("cd {}\n", parent_directory.display()));
for arg in args {
script.push(' ');
script.push('\n'); // Ensures that each command is properly separated for execution preventing directory errors
Command::None => panic!("Command::None was treated as a command"),
// Open a pseudo-terminal with initial size
let pair = pty_system
.openpty(PtySize {
rows: 24, // Initial number of rows (will be updated dynamically)
cols: 80, // Initial number of columns (will be updated dynamically)
pixel_width: 0,
pixel_height: 0,
let (tx, rx) = channel();
// Thread waiting for the child to complete
let command_handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
let mut child = pair.slave.spawn_command(cmd).unwrap();
let killer = child.clone_killer();
let mut reader = pair.master.try_clone_reader().unwrap(); // This is a reader, this is where we
// A buffer, shared between the thread that reads the command output, and the main tread.
// The main thread only reads the contents
let command_buffer: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
let reader_handle = {
// Arc is just a reference, so we can create an owned copy without any problem
let command_buffer = command_buffer.clone();
// The closure below moves all variables used into it, so we can no longer use them,
// that's why command_buffer.clone(), because we need to use command_buffer later
std::thread::spawn(move || {
let mut buf = [0u8; 8192];
loop {
let size = buf).unwrap(); // Can block here
if size == 0 {
break; // EOF
let mut mutex = command_buffer.lock(); // Only lock the mutex after the read is
// done, to minimise the time it is opened
let command_buffer = mutex.as_mut().unwrap();
// The mutex is closed here automatically
let writer = pair.master.take_writer().unwrap();
Self {
buffer: command_buffer,
command_thread: Some(command_handle),
child_killer: Some(rx),
_reader_thread: reader_handle,
pty_master: pair.master,
status: None,
log_path: None,
scroll_offset: 0,
fn screen(&mut self, size: Size) -> Screen {
// Resize the emulated pty
.resize(PtySize {
rows: size.height,
cols: size.width,
pixel_width: 0,
pixel_height: 0,
// Process the buffer with a parser with the current screen size
// We don't actually need to create a new parser every time, but it is so much easier this
// way, and doesn't cost that much
let mut parser = Parser::new(size.height, size.width, 1000);
let mutex = self.buffer.lock();
let buffer = mutex.as_ref().unwrap();
// Adjust the screen content based on the scroll offset
/// This function will block if the command is not finished
fn get_exit_status(&mut self) -> ExitStatus {
if self.command_thread.is_some() {
let handle = self.command_thread.take().unwrap();
let exit_status = handle.join().unwrap();
self.status = Some(exit_status.clone());
} else {
/// Send SIGHUB signal, *not* SIGKILL or SIGTERM, to the child process
pub fn kill_child(&mut self) {
if !self.is_finished() {
let mut killer = self.child_killer.take().unwrap().recv().unwrap();
fn save_log(&self) -> Result<String> {
let mut log_path = std::env::temp_dir();
let date_format = format_description!("[year]-[month]-[day]-[hour]-[minute]-[second]");
let mut file = File::create(&log_path)?;
let buffer = self.buffer.lock().unwrap();
/// Convert the KeyEvent to pty key codes, and send them to the virtual terminal
fn handle_passthrough_key_event(&mut self, key: &KeyEvent) {
let input_bytes = match key.code {
KeyCode::Char(ch) => {
let raw_utf8 = || ch.to_string().into_bytes();
match ch.to_ascii_uppercase() {
_ if key.modifiers != KeyModifiers::CONTROL => raw_utf8(),
'2' | '@' | ' ' => vec![0],
'3' | '[' => vec![27],
'4' | '\\' => vec![28],
'5' | ']' => vec![29],
'6' | '^' => vec![30],
'7' | '-' | '_' => vec![31],
c if ('A'..='_').contains(&c) => {
let ascii_val = c as u8;
let ascii_to_send = ascii_val - 64;
_ => raw_utf8(),
KeyCode::Enter => vec![b'\n'],
KeyCode::Backspace => vec![0x7f],
KeyCode::Left => vec![27, 91, 68],
KeyCode::Right => vec![27, 91, 67],
KeyCode::Up => vec![27, 91, 65],
KeyCode::Down => vec![27, 91, 66],
KeyCode::Tab => vec![9],
KeyCode::Home => vec![27, 91, 72],
KeyCode::End => vec![27, 91, 70],
KeyCode::BackTab => vec![27, 91, 90],
KeyCode::Delete => vec![27, 91, 51, 126],
KeyCode::Insert => vec![27, 91, 50, 126],
KeyCode::Esc => vec![27],
_ => return,
// Send the keycodes to the virtual terminal
let _ = self.writer.write_all(&input_bytes);